30 Honest Thoughts
1. Don’t let others define you. Believe what God’s word says you are. 2. Stop trying to control outcomes. God is in control. 3. Just do the next (right) thing. Listen to God’s direction. 4. Love the ones who love you. Love the ones who don’t even harder. 5. Forgive freely and abundantly, as God forgave you. 6. Don’t mistake your forgiveness as permission for people to control you. 7. Just because you forgive someone completely doesn’t require you to keep company with them. 8. Forgive yourself also. 9. Always trust God. 10. You aren’t required to trust everyone else. Use wisdom. 11. Don’t share your passwords. 12. Discernment isn’t a gift to be used as a weapon. God’s word is our sword. 13. People lie about others sometimes, but their character usually doesn’t lie. 14. People are known by their fruits. 15. Education is available to those who seek to be educated. 16. Humility will always be more teachable than arrogance. Stay humble. 17. Not everyone is ca...