We are having our first snow day of the season. Heading to Walmart for some snow gear! Aubree will want to be outside all day. Walmart List: Hot Chocolate Coveralls Snow boots Ingredients for Chili
"Do what you can with what you have." These words have been on my mind all week. Especially when I come up with excuses for not doing certain things. "I don't have (fill in the blank) to do this or that." "I'll do it later, when I have more (time, money, etc.)." Or one of the most common... "I'll start (fill in the blank) on Monday." Monday comes and goes, week after week. Time moves forward. I get older with each passing day. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is found in Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. I want to be a part of this new thing God is doing in my life. I want to be fully aware of His presence working in my life. I want to obey His words to my heart. "Do what you can with what you have." I believe the time is now. No more procrastinating. God says He is doing ...
We started our new year of school early this year. We usually start after (or on) Labor Day. This year the girls were ready to begin a week early. Summer activities are coming to a close and we are all ready for a change of pace. Kaitlyn is beginning 7th grade, Kyla is beginning 5th grade, and Aubree is a 2nd grader this year. We have spent the first two weeks as an introductory period. We are learning alot of new map skills with our new curriculum, My Father's World. We will begin studying North America next week. We will begin with the U.S., Mexico, then Canada. Some of our new activities for the school year will begin next week also. Kyla will begin her new dance class on Monday. Aubree will begin soccer practice on Tuesday. Her first game will be next Saturday. Kaitlyn is patiently waiting for basketball season. Another activity we are all excited about are Zoo classes. These will be held monthly throughout the school year.
As I was browsing a few blogs I enjoy last night, I came across an idea that inspired me to my core. We who homeschool do it for a variety of reasons. Some for religious convictions, shelter from ideas that we don't agree with, children with giftedness or learning disabilites that can be better served in a home environment, or too many others to list. Some of us homeschool for a combination of reasons. However, one common thread I have observed is a homeschooling parent's desire to learn. We love to learn and want to instill a love for learning in our children. So when I came across Bev's plan last night on her blog, I was completely caught off guard by the emotions stirred within me. I guess I have been on a journey of sorts lately. I am in the process of rediscovering who God created me to be. Sometimes we moms get a little lost in the shuffle of helping our families in discovering who they are meant to be. I discovered that you can literally wake up one morning, look in ...