Change is in the Air

I'm not a person who readily accepts change. Of course, no one loves unpleasant changes. But, what about changes for the better? Wouldn't a person jump for joy at the opportunity for a change for the better? Well, I'm one of those hesitant "changers". Is it fear? Probably. On the other hand, change can also be a wonderful surprise!
Within a very short time period (not enough warning!) my husband was informed of yet another location change for his job.
When we moved to our current town, I was so sure this would be our last stop on the moving trail. Who doesn't want to put down roots? How are you supposed to bloom-where-you-are-planted if you don't stay still long enough for the blooming process?
Is six months long enough to bloom? One year? Two years?
These are the time periods we have lived in most places.
After eleven homes in our seventeen years of marriage, you would think we would learn how to quickly plant ourselves, get a great root system in place, and water regularly. Sometimes it just seems as if the only step we remembered was to apply too much fertilizer!
So, after learning that our next move would involve two moves, not just one, we had to seek God for His wonderful creativity. Moving is hard work, and expensive! Why would anyone willingly do it twice within just a few months?
Then as I prayed I had a thought enter my mind that felt, well...a little crazy! I thought about mentioning it to my husband but decided he would confirm that I was crazy.
I held on to this crazy little thought of mine for a few days only jokingly mentioning it to my oldest daughter. Just in case this was an idea the Lord was giving me, I wanted someone to be able to verify it.
Fast forward through a very stressful week of decision making...
As my husband and I are having one of our many daily phone conversations, he casually mentions that he stopped to look at an RV. This is not completely unusual. We have been talking and daydreaming of owning one for quite a while.
The difference, this time, was the crazy little idea floating around in my head.
I decided to go for it. Yes, he might disagree, but we were quickly approaching our deadline.
The conversation included alot of, "You go first", "I wasn't going to go there first", and "this might work".
We came to the conclusion that the Lord had been working the same "crazy" idea in both of us!
So, the crazy idea:
We will not be moving (at least Yet!). We will be adventurously living between our home here and our new little RV. This will keep us from making two major moves this summer. There is even a possibility that we won't be moving at all.
I love the way God answered our prayers. He worked the same idea in both of us. We have our dilemma solved, for a while, and when all is finally decided...we have an RV to travel and enjoy with our family!
God knew the solution all along. We just had to be willing to hear His voice and act upon it. I read the book, Fearless by Max Lucado recently. I believe that God has been stretching me beyond my own abilities over the last couple of years, but He has held me the entire time. When I fear change, I have to realize that He knows what is ahead. He goes before us. We are learning to trust in Him!


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