
Showing posts from August, 2009

My Family

We had a wonderful weekend. It was fun, lively, and chaotic! That is my family. The kids have kept me rolling on the floor. They are hilarious. It was so great to have all seven of us together again. Everyone enjoyed our time with Shelby. He is growing in the Lord so much. Randy said this weekend was the longest church service he had ever been in. lol! To be able to watch the redemptive work of God in my entire family is amazing. I'm not trying to even pretend that restoration is always a pleasant process, but it is worth every moment. Thank you Jesus for my family. They bless me, hurt me sometimes, and definitly make my life exciting. I wouldn't trade them for anything!


It's a new day. It's a new year. ('nuff said)

Just Us!


The Beginning of a Dream

I love to see my husband living out his dreams.