I Can Do This...

I've been on a quest (a long drawn out quest) for a healthier lifestyle. I won't pretend to have it conquered. Not even close! On the other hand, we have started to make some positive changes.

We are attempting to eliminate all processed foods. This is going very well. I say attempting because we will continue to use things previously purchased. I grocery shop on a very tight budget and can not bring myself to throw some items out. I'm happy to say we don't actually buy very many processed groceries to start with. This change has been fairly easy as long as we are eating at home.
The only challenge has been eating out (very seldom) and fast food (daughters, quite often).
The choices may be limited at fast food places, but they usually do have a few items that could be considered "healthy".

I have chronic thirst. I am known to have something to drink at all times! I know this could signal a health problem or dehydration. (I'm working on it!) The main culprit is most likely the caffeine addiction I have that includes drinking way too much Diet Coke! (For years it was Dr. Pepper)
I switched to Diet Coke while doing Weight Watchers a few years ago.
I know that artificial sweeteners are the devil! Like I said, I'm trying. I have managed to cut way back. I hope to eliminate this altogether, but for now I have started drinking at least 1/2 gallon water each day. I have had so much trouble in the past making myself drink water. Once I get started though, it's like I can't stop! I'm telling you... I'm a thirsty girl.
My bigger goal is to start drinking a gallon of water each day.

The most significant change though has taken place this week! After reading about Couch to 5k for several years, I finally started this week! I begged all family members to do this with me. No one volunteered. It can be so difficult to get motivated to exercise when you haven't in so long. I went through many years of doubting myself. I just didn't believe I could do it.
Last Monday, I just DID IT. Was it hard? Yes. Can I do hard things? Absolutely.
The program consists of three days of walking/running for thirty minutes. Wednesday morning I was very sore but I pushed through and did day two. I hope it's ok to be proud of myself because I am. I feel like I climbed a mountain. To overcome in an area of such self doubt is an indescribable feeling.

One other helpful tool that I have been using is My Fitness Pal. I have an app on my iPhone. I've been using it for quite a while in a very inconsistent way. I finally made a commitment to get more serious. I know I can do better if I actually keep track of the foods I eat. You can also enter exercise, track weight, and view a breakdown of daily allowances. (carbs, proteins, and fat)

I try to keep the motivation going by subscribing to a few healthy lifestyle and fitness blogs. It's also helpful to follow these same people on Instagram and Twitter.

I should do that dreaded "before" picture, but I think I'll save that one until I have a dramatic "after" picture! lol

So, there you go. My new plan consists of eating better, drinking lots of water, and exercise. No gimmicks. Just being conscience of my food choices and working my butt off. Literally.

A few of my favorite resources:


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